Shayan Aziznejad

Research Assistant

Biomedical Imaging Group
BM 4138 (Bâtiment BM)
Station 17
CH-1015 Lausanne

Google Scholar

About Me

I obtained my Ph.D. degree of Electrical Engineering in the Biomedical Imaging Group at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, under the direction of Prof. Michael Unser . Prior to that, I received my B.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Pure Mathematics (double major program) in 2017 from Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran.

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of Functional Analysis, Optimization Theory, and Machine Learning. In my doctoral studies, I utilized advanced tools from these domains to investigate optimization problems that are central to Supervised Learning and Inverse Problems. My ultimate goal is to establish a theoretical framework for the study of the current state-of-the-art methods used in various applications of data science. I intend to develop a comprehensive theory that will allow

  • explanation of the success of the current techniques,
  • identification of possible limitations and instabilities of the commonly used methods, and
  • suggestion of new schemes that enjoy theoretical performance and guaranteed stability.

Awards and Grants

  • Postdoc fellowship of the Swiss national science foundation, granted to the proposal "Learning with Principles: Theory and Methods", 2021.
  • Best student paper award, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019
  • Gold medalist of national olympiad of mathematics, Iran, 2011.

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